Roseanne Barr's Monkey Problem: A Social Media Blunder


"Roseanne Barr Monkey" is a term that originated from a racist tweet posted by the American comedian and actress Roseanne Barr in 2018.

The tweet, which compared former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett to an ape, sparked widespread outrage and condemnation. Barr later apologized for the tweet, but it led to her sitcom, "Roseanne," being canceled by ABC.

The incident highlighted the ongoing problem of racism in American society and the importance of holding public figures accountable for their words and actions.

Roseanne Barr Monkey

The term "Roseanne Barr monkey" has gained significant attention due to its association with a controversial tweet posted by the comedian and actress Roseanne Barr in 2018.

  • Racist comparison: Barr's tweet compared former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett to an ape, sparking outrage and condemnation.
  • Public accountability: The incident highlighted the importance of holding public figures responsible for their words and actions.
  • Social media impact: The tweetacross social media, leading to widespread discussion and debate.
  • Personal consequences: Barr's tweet resulted in the cancellation of her sitcom, "Roseanne," by ABC.
  • Racial bias: The incident brought attention to the ongoing problem of racial bias in American society.
  • Freedom of speech: The controversy also raised questions about the limits of free speech and the role of social media in shaping public discourse.

These key aspects underscore the complex and multifaceted nature of the "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident. It highlights the power of social media to amplify racist, the importance of holding public figures accountable for their actions, and the ongoing struggle against racial bias in society.

Name Born Occupation
Roseanne Barr November 3, 1952 Comedian, actress, writer

Racist comparison

The racist comparison made by Roseanne Barr in her tweet drew widespread condemnation and outrage due to its offensive and dehumanizing nature.

  • Racial Stereotypes: Barr's tweet perpetuated harmful racial stereotypes by comparing a Black woman to an ape, a racist trope that has been used to justify discrimination and violence against Black people throughout history.
  • Dehumanization: By comparing Jarrett to an ape, Barr denied her humanity and dignity, reducing her to a caricature based on her race.
  • Social Media Amplification: The tweet's on social media platforms amplified its reach, exposing a wider audience to its racist message and contributing to its harmful impact.
  • Public Accountability: The swift and widespread condemnation of Barr's tweet demonstrated the public's intolerance for racism and held her accountable for her words.

These factors highlight the severity of Barr's tweet and its connection to the broader issue of racism in society. The incident underscores the importance of challenging racist stereotypes, promoting inclusivity, and holding individuals accountable for their actions.

Public accountability

The "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident brought the issue of public accountability to the forefront, emphasizing the need to hold public figures responsible for their words and actions.

  • Social media scrutiny: Public figures are increasingly held accountable for their actions due to the widespread use of social media. The swift and severe backlash against Barr's tweet demonstrates the power of social media in amplifying public outrage and demanding accountability.
  • Role models and influence: Public figures have a significant influence on society, and their words and actions can have far-reaching consequences. By holding them accountable, we set an example that offensive and harmful behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Erosion of trust: When public figures engage in racist or discriminatory behavior, it erodes public trust and undermines their credibility. The cancellation of Barr's show and the widespread condemnation she faced demonstrate the consequences of such actions.
  • Promoting inclusivity: Holding public figures accountable sends a strong message that racist and discriminatory behavior is unacceptable and that we are committed to creating a more inclusive society.

The "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident serves as a reminder of the importance of public accountability and the need to hold individuals responsible for their words and actions, regardless of their status or influence.

Social media impact

The rapid spread of Roseanne Barr's tweet across social media platforms played a crucial role in the ensuing controversy and public outrage.

  • Amplification of the message: Social media's vast reach and interconnectedness allowed the tweet to be seen by millions of people within a short amount of time.
  • Public outcry: The tweet sparked widespread discussion and debate on social media, with many users condemning Barr's racist remarks.
  • Mobilization of opposition: Social media platforms provided a space for people to organize and mobilize against Barr's offensive comments.
  • Pressure on ABC: The public outcry on social media put pressure on ABC, the network that aired Barr's show, to take action, ultimately leading to the cancellation of "Roseanne."

The social media impact of the "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident highlights the power of these platforms in shaping public opinion, holding public figures accountable, and.

Personal consequences

The cancellation of Roseanne Barr's sitcom, "Roseanne," by ABC was a direct consequence of her racist tweet comparing Valerie Jarrett to an ape. The incident highlights the personal consequences that public figures can face when they engage in offensive and discriminatory behavior.

Networks and production companies have a responsibility to uphold ethical standards and values. By swiftly canceling "Roseanne," ABC sent a clear message that it would not tolerate racism and discrimination. This action demonstrated that public figures cannot use their platforms to promote offensive or harmful views without facing repercussions.

The cancellation of "Roseanne" also underscores the growing intolerance for racism in society. The public outcry and condemnation of Barr's tweet show that such behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This incident serves as a warning to other public figures that they must be held accountable for their words and actions, and that personal consequences may follow.

Racial bias

The "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident shone a spotlight on the deeply ingrained problem of racial bias in American society. Barr's racist tweet, comparing a Black woman to an ape, was a stark reminder of the dehumanizing stereotypes and prejudices that continue to plague our nation.

Racial bias manifests in many forms, from microaggressions to overt discrimination. It can affect every aspect of life, from education and employment to healthcare and criminal justice. The "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident highlighted the insidious nature of racial bias and its harmful impact on individuals and communities.

The public outcry and condemnation of Barr's tweet demonstrated that Americans are increasingly intolerant of racism. However, the incident also served as a wake-up call, reminding us that much work remains to be done to eradicate racial bias from our society.

Freedom of speech

The "Roseanne Barr monkey" controversy ignited a debate about the limits of free speech and the role of social media in shaping public discourse. While the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of speech, it does not extend to hate speech or incitement to violence.

  • The role of social media: Social media platforms have become powerful tools for public discourse, but they also present challenges in regulating harmful content. In the case of the "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident, the tweet was quickly shared and amplified across multiple platforms, reaching a wide audience and sparking outrage.
  • Balancing free speech and accountability: The controversy raised questions about how to balance the right to free speech with the need to hold individuals accountable for their words. Some argued that Barr's tweet was a clear case of racism and should not be protected by the First Amendment, while others defended her right to express her views, however offensive they may be.
  • The impact on public discourse: The incident highlighted the potential impact of harmful speech on public discourse. Barr's tweet not only offended many people, but it also contributed to a climate of division and intolerance. It raised concerns about the role of social media in amplifying such views and the potential consequences for society.
  • The need for responsible speech: The controversy served as a reminder of the importance of responsible speech, particularly for public figures. While individuals have the right to express their opinions, they also have a responsibility to consider the impact of their words and to use language that is respectful and inclusive.

The "Roseanne Barr monkey" controversy underscores the complex relationship between freedom of speech and social media in shaping public discourse. It highlights the need for careful consideration of the limits of free speech, the role of social media platforms in regulating harmful content, and the importance of responsible speech in fostering a healthy and inclusive society.

FAQs about "Roseanne Barr Monkey"

Here are some frequently asked questions about the "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident:

Question 1: What was the "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident?

Answer: The "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident refers to a racist tweet posted by American comedian and actress Roseanne Barr in 2018. In the tweet, Barr compared former Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett to an ape, sparking widespread outrage and condemnation.

Question 2: Why was Roseanne Barr's tweet considered racist?

Answer: Barr's tweet was considered racist because it compared a Black woman to an ape, a racist trope that has been used to justify discrimination and violence against Black people throughout history. The tweet dehumanized Jarrett and perpetuated harmful racial stereotypes.

Question 3: What were the consequences of Roseanne Barr's tweet?

Answer: The consequences of Barr's tweet were swift and severe. ABC canceled her sitcom, "Roseanne," and she faced widespread condemnation from the public and fellow celebrities. The incident also raised questions about the limits of free speech and the role of social media in shaping public discourse.

Question 4: What does the "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident tell us about racism in American society?

Answer: The "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident highlighted the ongoing problem of racial bias and discrimination in American society. It demonstrated that racism can manifest in many forms, including overt acts of hate speech and more subtle forms of bias. The incident also served as a reminder of the need for continued vigilance and action to combat racism.

Question 5: What lessons can we learn from the "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident?

Answer: The "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident teaches us several important lessons, including the importance of holding public figures accountable for their words and actions, the need to challenge racist stereotypes and promote inclusivity, and the power of social media in shaping public discourse. It also reminds us that racism is a serious problem that requires ongoing attention and effort to overcome.

Question 6: What can we do to combat racism in society?

Answer: There are many things we can do to combat racism in society, including educating ourselves about the history and impact of racism, challenging racist stereotypes and behaviors, supporting organizations that work to promote racial justice, and advocating for policies that address the root causes of racism.

By working together, we can create a more just and equitable society for all.


The "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident was a reminder of the ongoing problem of racism in American society. It highlighted the importance of holding public figures accountable for their words and actions, the need to challenge racist stereotypes and promote inclusivity, and the power of social media in shaping public discourse. By working together, we can create a more just and equitable society for all.

Tips Related to "Roseanne Barr Monkey" Keyword

The "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident provides valuable lessons and insights that can help us address racism and promote inclusivity in society.

Tip 1: Hold public figures accountable for their words and actions. Public figures have a significant influence on society, and it is crucial to hold them accountable for their words and actions, particularly when they engage in racist or discriminatory behavior. This sends a clear message that such behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Tip 2: Challenge racist stereotypes and promote inclusivity. Racist stereotypes and prejudices are harmful and perpetuate discrimination. We must actively challenge these stereotypes and work to create a more inclusive society where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

Tip 3: Use social media responsibly. Social media can be a powerful tool for raising awareness and promoting social change. However, it is important to use social media responsibly and to avoid spreading harmful or offensive content. Be mindful of the impact your words may have on others.

Tip 4: Educate yourself about the history and impact of racism. To effectively combat racism, it is essential to understand its history and impact on individuals and communities. This knowledge will help you recognize and challenge racist attitudes and behaviors.

Tip 5: Support organizations that work to promote racial justice. Many organizations are working to promote racial justice and combat discrimination. Supporting these organizations through donations, volunteering, or advocacy can help amplify their efforts and make a positive impact in the fight against racism.

Tip 6: Advocate for policies that address the root causes of racism. Racism is a systemic issue that requires comprehensive solutions. Advocate for policies that address the root causes of racism, such as poverty, lack of education, and discrimination in housing and employment.

Tip 7: Be an ally to people of color. Being an ally means standing up against racism and discrimination, even when it is uncomfortable or inconvenient. Offer your support to people of color and challenge racist behavior when you see it.

Tip 8: Have open and honest conversations about race. Talking about race can be difficult, but it is essential for fostering understanding and building a more just and equitable society. Engage in open and honest conversations about race with your friends, family, and colleagues.

By following these tips, we can all play a role in combating racism and creating a more inclusive society for all.


The "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident was a reminder of the ongoing problem of racism in our society. By holding public figures accountable, challenging racist stereotypes, using social media responsibly, and supporting organizations that work to promote racial justice, we can create a more just and equitable society for all.


The "Roseanne Barr monkey" incident was a stark reminder of the ongoing problem of racism in American society. The incident highlighted the importance of holding public figures accountable for their words and actions, the need to challenge racist stereotypes and promote inclusivity, and the power of social media in shaping public discourse.

To create a more just and equitable society, we must all work together to combat racism in all its forms. This means holding public figures accountable, challenging racist stereotypes, using social media responsibly, supporting organizations that work to promote racial justice, and advocating for policies that address the root causes of racism.

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